“You smoke?” - “practically is not present: two-three cigarettes in day”. The interrogation spent to Norway shows that “not to smoke almost” - a habit far not harmless.
Smoking from one to four cigarettes in day three times raises risk to die of heart attack or from a cancer of lungs. The Norwegian scientists have paid attention for the first time to such inactive smokers considering that their habit is quite comprehensible and does not threaten health. Till now all researches devoted to finding-out of influence of tobacco on health, did by the object the tobacco use in the big doses - not less a pack of cigarettes in day. Small doses long were considered (even as some physicians) the harmless. Article published recently in British magazine Tobacco Control, denies this established opinion. Participants of inspection of a steel of 23 thousand men and women at the age from 35 till 49 years living in Norway. 20-30 years ago these volunteers have passed inspection about revealing of the factors causing danger of cardiovascular diseases (quantity of smoked cigarettes, a hypertension, гликемия, cholesterol level, adiposity and so forth) . Group regularly surveyed till 2002, fixing death rate, and also measuring quantity of smoked cigarettes, frequency of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Results confirm already known true: death rate from cardiovascular diseases is in arithmetic dependence on tobacco consumption. Tragical communication between a cancer of lungs and smoking also has proved to be true: at the smokers smoking a pack of cigarettes in day or more, death rate from a cancer of lungs much more exceeds death rate among non-smoking - in 33 times at men and in 27 times at women. As to death rate from cardiovascular diseases, in a category of "active smokers” it four times above both among men, and among women. But the main thing, research has shown also that at ostensibly harmless norm from one to four cigarettes in day of the man and the woman die of cardiovascular diseases approximately three times more often, than non-smoking. Small doses of tobacco practically as are harmful to heart, as well as big. Smoking of one-four cigarettes in day five times raise death rate from a cancer of lungs at women and three times - at men. At last, the aged people of 40 years smoking of some cigarettes in day, already in one and a half time risk the life, than non-smoking more. Probably research conducted by the Norwegian scientists will convince politicians, workers of an education sphere and, certainly, the population, what even rather moderate smoking turns around risk for health.
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