Tuesday, November 24, 2009
To smoke a little too it is life-threatening
Smoking from one to four cigarettes in day three times raises risk to die of heart attack or from a cancer of lungs. The Norwegian scientists have paid attention for the first time to such inactive smokers considering that their habit is quite comprehensible and does not threaten health. Till now all researches devoted to finding-out of influence of tobacco on health, did by the object the tobacco use in the big doses - not less a pack of cigarettes in day. Small doses long were considered (even as some physicians) the harmless. Article published recently in British magazine Tobacco Control, denies this established opinion. Participants of inspection of a steel of 23 thousand men and women at the age from 35 till 49 years living in Norway. 20-30 years ago these volunteers have passed inspection about revealing of the factors causing danger of cardiovascular diseases (quantity of smoked cigarettes, a hypertension, гликемия, cholesterol level, adiposity and so forth) . Group regularly surveyed till 2002, fixing death rate, and also measuring quantity of smoked cigarettes, frequency of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Results confirm already known true: death rate from cardiovascular diseases is in arithmetic dependence on tobacco consumption. Tragical communication between a cancer of lungs and smoking also has proved to be true: at the smokers smoking a pack of cigarettes in day or more, death rate from a cancer of lungs much more exceeds death rate among non-smoking - in 33 times at men and in 27 times at women. As to death rate from cardiovascular diseases, in a category of "active smokers” it four times above both among men, and among women. But the main thing, research has shown also that at ostensibly harmless norm from one to four cigarettes in day of the man and the woman die of cardiovascular diseases approximately three times more often, than non-smoking. Small doses of tobacco practically as are harmful to heart, as well as big. Smoking of one-four cigarettes in day five times raise death rate from a cancer of lungs at women and three times - at men. At last, the aged people of 40 years smoking of some cigarettes in day, already in one and a half time risk the life, than non-smoking more. Probably research conducted by the Norwegian scientists will convince politicians, workers of an education sphere and, certainly, the population, what even rather moderate smoking turns around risk for health.
Dymi with the mind: how to reduce the harm does not stop smoking?
1. Drink more water. This allows you to quickly remove toxins, stimulate the kidneys work, to avoid the concentration of nicotine in the urine, which means that its negative effects on the bladder.
2. Gasi cigarette dokuriv up the middle. The closer to the end, the cigarette smoke is thicker and more harmful. It is better to smoke two cigarettes incomplete than one, but dosmoliv it to a state of "bull".
3. Choose cigarettes with charcoal filter. He not only holds more than a third of nicotine in cigarettes, but also absorbs and nicotine, tar and harmful.
4. Do not hold a cigarette in his mouth. The allocated cigarette toxic gases adversely affect the skin, tooth enamel and lip mucosa.
5. Do not smoke cheap cigarettes. When buying an expensive package, you pay not only for packaging design, but also for the quality of tobacco, a thorough treatment of the tobacco paper and a reliable filter.
6. In sports in moderation. Enhanced physical activity is dangerous for smokers: it speeds up the heart, whereas nicotine narrows the arteries, preventing the outflow of blood from the heart. And in any case not light a cigarette immediately after climbing the stairs or run for the fallen from leash dog: your heart will not survive these "bends".
7. Avoid menthol cigarettes. The presence of menthol increases the acidity of some toxic elements contained in tobacco.
8. Khoury black tobacco. Bright tobacco is more harmful than black, because its production is used dyes, flavors and preservatives.
9. First cigarette smoked after breakfast. Do not smoke on an empty stomach and even more so in the morning on an empty stomach, because tobacco products, mixing with saliva, affect the gastric mucosa, and from the intestine immediately absorbed into the blood. For the same reason, do not smoke while eating or drinking and refrain from chewing gum during smoking.
10. Not bad set on fire by lighting his cigarette. Wrong prikurennaya cigarette smoker increases a third of the consumption of carbon monoxide.
11. Come out on a smoke break in the fresh air. So quickly clear your lungs and skin and hair will not absorb the smoke.
12. Do not hurry to smoke a cigarette! If your bus or walked up to you to urgently return to the workplace, put out the cigarette, but do not do fast and deep puffs. Optimal time fumigate one cigarette - 5-7 minutes.
13. Most go on foot, walking in the fresh air, take a toning shower. This helps the lungs, improve blood circulation.
Smokers should pay more attention to your diet. Therefore, in addition to dining cigarettes into the menu and something else.
Carrots, turnips, garlic, oranges - the natural antidote to tobacco smoke, so that the strain at the vegetable and fruit salads, juices. Drink green tea. It contains substances that might clear the bronchi of nicotine. In order to neutralize toxins, nicotine, you should regularly take vitamins E, C and A, and selenium. In addition to the "bare" pills from the pharmacy, vitamin A is contained in a brightly colored (red and yellow) fruits and vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, mango, apricots, etc.), as well as spinach, lettuce, green peas, sorrel, green onions , fish oil, cottage cheese, liver, eggs.
Products containing vitamin A should not be on the air and light. Not vegetables are washed with hot water. The source of vitamin E are vegetable oils. It is also found in liver, eggs, flour, coarse grinding, buckwheat and oat cereals and legumes.
Grow fond of fish. It contains specific unsaturated fatty acids, preventing increased blood clotting. As a result, reduced the risk of blood clots. And, of course, limit their intake of fat, smoked foods and alcohol. Epidemiological studies suggest opryamoy relationship between fat intake and the incidence of breast cancer and colon cancer, and excessive alcohol consumption combined with tobacco smoke causes cancer of the mouth, esophagus, liver and breast cancer.
There are also psychological methods to help reduce the harm cigarettes:
- Buy cigarettes at a single pack;
- Taking a cigarette pack immediately hide;
- Keep cigarettes away from the workplace;
- Refuse the drink other people's cigarette smoke, and do not beg from passers-by, if you run out of cigarettes;
- Do not wear it with a match, lighter;
- After each inhalation luggage cigarette on the edge of the ashtray;
- Have a smoke, hiding the ashtray;
- Do not smoke more than one cigarette per hour;
- Calculate how many could save money if they were smoking less.
Friday, November 13, 2009
What want from smoking of the man and the woman?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
In Kazakhstan, legislation to curb smoking
According to the legislative innovations of today in the country to ban smoking in doorways of homes and workplaces.
Also, you can not smoke a cigarette in catering establishments, cinemas, nightclubs and discos.
The buildings at airports and railway stations will be smoking only in special smoking rooms. Designated Smoking will equip and catering establishments.
Restrictions on the sale of tobacco products. In particular, the warning about the dangers of smoking should now occupy not less than 40% of cigarette packs.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Cigarettes, Lies, and Pet Food Advertising
To give you an example of communication, we are looking carefully extremely popular Cat Food, which is sold in every grocery across the country. PET food manufacturer is one of the most popular and largest producers of animal feed, selling cat and dog food across the world. I can not give you the pet name of food, so I came up with a name, and I have to change some wording from the information provided on PET bag of food. But, and this is really great, but (T), the ingredients provided below the actual composition of cat food real. And dog owners - the same techniques used for dogs.
I use a pet name to claim food 'Yummy Good - Seafood Dry Super Cat Food "instead of the actual name of cat food. Like many pet foods on the front Yummy Good Super Seafood Cat Food bag photograph the most beautiful cat you've ever seen - his coat almost glows in the picture. Bright big eyes, mischievous face - this cat looks the picture of health. Your eyes instinctively drawn to the picture. Right above you will notice the name of pet food, Yummy good, with a big red heart next to it. 'Yummy' and the heart leads you believe this cat food not only delicious, but why did you give love, to feed him. Under a beautiful picture of Super Cat, you'll notice 'seafood with ocean fish, albacore tuna, salmon, crab and Flavors. And you think,' wow, look at all the fish in this cat food ... It's So Healthy! To seal the deal, you read "100% Complete Nutrition" and "Healthy Omega.
'This must be more food for my cat ... All these different kinds of fish, complete nutrition, Omega, and it is Yummy! You pull the bag of Yummy Good Super Seafood from the shelf, and be a good parent, PET, have you read a bit more about it on the back of the bag. Did you read that this food offers a "Healthy skin and coat promotes Omega Essential Oils', 'Clear Healthy Vision supported by vitamins and minerals',' a healthy immune system has a complete nutrition" and "Strong, lean muscles maintain a high quality protein '. Sold! "Oh My Cat Is Gonna love me for it!
While you might think you discovered this cat food natural process of buying, it really cleverly scenario sale. This is exactly how most pet owners decide on a brand cat or dog food, unsuspecting members of the consumer / food sales process. Owners of animals is led ably script path - inadvertently purchasing and feeding their pets popular brands of cat or dog Foods assuming the best meals are provided on their pets.
Now let's look at the actual components of one of the most popular Cat Foods in the U.S. - food I renamed Yummy Good Super Seafood. First, you should know that ingredients listed on pet food labels are listed according to preliminary Cooking Weight - heavy to light. Thus, the pre-cooking weight in the first five or so ingredients are the most difficult and the majority of food products. Knowing that, here the first five ingredients of a real cat food sold in stores throughout the United States, that I changed the name to Yummy Good Super Cat Seafood food: corn, corn gluten meal, poultry by-product meal, meat and bone meal, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E).
* 'Corn' is the first ingredient - no seafood there and corn almost no nutritional value for cats and dogs.
* 'Corn gluten meal' is the second ingredient - gluten is often used as a binder or thickener feed. No seafood again and no nutritional value for the pet.
* 'Poultry adverse food' is the third ingredient ... Hmmm, still no seafood. Byproducts of animal parts, which are considered unfit for human consumption, sorting of garbage in the meat processing industry. Birds of animal by-products consists of pieces of chicken feet and turkey heads, providing virtually no nutritional value for the pet.
* 'Meat and bone meal' is the fourth component. What? Still no seafood? Meat and bone meal, if you can imagine, this is even worse, PET ingredient of food than by-products. This substance debris from nothing, and all animals - things like euthanized sick animals, diseased animal tissue, or even expired grocery store meat. As you might guess, it provides little to no nutritional value of animal (cat or dog).
* And our fifth ingredient is' animal fat preserved with mixed tocopherols. When the chicken feet, turkey heads, cow intestines and expired grocery store meat is being prepared (in polyethylene food industry this is called service provider), the fat that rises to the top of feed ingredient is animal fat. PET-owner (and even pet food manufacturer) does not know what kind of animal fat comes from and what is worse, it's common PET food ingredient has been identified FDA, the most likely to contain pentobarbital (the drug for euthanasia of animals). In other words, you can largely assume that the feed ingredient of animal fat contains euthanized animals and drugs were used before the end of his life. Again, seafood and almost no nutritional value for the pet.
This is perplexing - the majority of the actual cat food (the first five ingredients) that I renamed Yummy Good Super Seafood - contains no seafood. Of course, in the next five ingredients are "good things. Well, let's see ... here in the next five actual ingredients of a popular cat food with Seafood in the title:" soybean meal, animal liver flavor, phosphoric acid, calcium carbonate, salt ". Still no seafood. In fact, not a quality cat food is available in ten ingredients! first ten ingredients make up the vast majority of feed eye ", while Cat Food would be about 85%. Thus, the largest majority of the extremely popular cat food I renamed Yummy Good Super Seafood Cat Food contains no seafood and provides almost no food for cats. It is not until the twelfth ingredient in the list, we find that the name implies - Seafood - and this is directly in front of the artificial coloring of cat food.
Think about that, but for a moment. Think about the weight of food coloring is used to color Easter eggs. A few drops of coloring you put in the water - think about how these few drops of food coloring weigh. Now imagine a piece of salmon or albacore tuna, which weighs slightly more than a couple of drops of food coloring. Here's how a lot of seafood in this bag of cat food.
Amazing is not it? And remember that the actual ingredients of cat food that is sold in every grocery store across the country, feed, which I assure you will be recognized by every owner of an animal USA. Cat food, which promotes the seafood in the title, containing probably far less than one small piece of albacore tuna or salmon in a ton or more cat food. Stern, which claims "A healthy immune system supports the complete nutrition" and "Strong, lean muscles maintain the high quality protein," when in fact there is only Sliver of high quality protein / nutrition in food.
As surprising as it may be, all this is perfectly legal and common practice in the food and treat animals. It's just advertising. Existing regulations feeds allow "unconditional claim, directly or indirectly" meat food products. Misleading yes, but nothing new to advertising.
Twenty years ago, the tobacco industry sold almost the same story with consumers. Like this feed arguing ocean fish, albacore tuna, salmon, crab and Flavors', Camel cigarettes for example, were such slogans as "Slow Down - Pleasure Up ',' More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarettes" and "For Digestion's Sake - Smoke their camels.
The tobacco industry got into their game, but the feed continues, after some of the exact steps that worked so well on cigarettes. Former effective tobacco marketing methods such programs as the continuity of tobacco rewarding loyal customers 'Camel Cash "and" Marlboro Miles' to exchange for coupons or stamps to wear T shirts and hats is commonplace today with pet product consumers. To create a stronger relationship with smokers, tobacco companies sponsored sporting and entertainment events. Pet Food Industries have taken another step forward. Not only all the major events of PET makes pet food name (marketing by association with the best dogs and cats in the country, in particular brand of feed), but almost every veterinarian graduating in the last twenty years has been affected by food corporate marketing. Veterinary students up to date, almost every veterinary college in the United States is usually taught the dog and cat food manufacturers feed - food classes, based on the fact that every manufacturer wants them to know, and no animal nutrition based on unbiased science and research. Twenty years ago it would have been similar to the RJ Reynolds employees teaching third year medical students respiratory function classes.
Pet food even joined the TV show Game World. Auditions already started "getting Meow Mix Game Show 'to air on Game Show Network in November 2008. He is known as" Branded Entertainment "; advertising tactic that has been widely used for many years.
Twenty-plus years ago tobacco advertising also controls the media. Many of the closed-door meeting was reported in the period between the major television, radio and print media with tobacco indicating things that are bad "Press" will be frowned upon, and tobacco would consider lifting millions of advertising dollars available to media companies must be bad published news stories. For many years, this tactic prevented consumers learn the truth about tobacco risks. Today we can only assume the media turn a blind eye to rendered euthanized animals and dangerous chemical preservatives to be common to many pet foods is associated with the same strong-arm tactics. Mil. feed the dollar plus advertising budgets, provided fodder to high returns ( "cat seafood 'food made with grains and products provides a much more profitable than" seafood' cat food made with real seafood) continue to pet owners in the dark.
How much influence the ads PET food? In 1989, the Surgeon General's report on the impact of cigarette advertising stated that "familiarity advertising and promotion of tobacco can contribute to an environment in which tobacco use is perceived by users to be socially acceptable, at least less socially objectionable and less hazardous than it really is. Study after study has proven false advertising of cigarettes benefit consumers of risk factors associated with smoking. In fact, many studies of tobacco advertising effects on consumers led to the eventual end of tobacco advertising.
No one knows the true impact of food advertising has on the health of animals. No study has never been done. But the example above - with one of the most popular Cat Foods in the country, cat food, which promotes the 'Seafood' in the title and oceanic fish blazons', albacore tuna, salmon, crab and Flavors "in front of tags (and knowing that this cat food unimaginably tiny amount of seafood actually in it) - you can imagine the impact on the health of cats. This was proven with cigarettes the power of advertising, and this is proved from the main feed, when such inferior cat food is the leader in sales of food for cats. Introduction PET food advertising and promotion certainly seems to contribute to the environment that these foods perceived as healthy and premium.
Inform smokers today, at least, they make them smoke or not smoke decisions based on science, not manipulating advertising. Pet owners are not accorded the same privileges. Pet owners continue to unknowingly purchase cat and dog food ingredients which can not match the advertising claims. Remember that even if the PET food label says Yummy or Seafood or even super, the list of ingredients may tell a different story. In front of the bag or can feed just marketing, it does not give "petsumer" sufficient information and / or audio information to judge the actual quality of the food, which is available in pet food.
Prior to misleading advertising PET food outside the law as cigarette advertising was, pet owners should read the ingredient list, understand a few common definitions PET ingredient, and ask a few questions PET food manufacturer. In short, look at dogs and cats, and foods that contain no by-products, no meat and bone meal ', no' animal fat, and make little mention of cereals (corn, wheat, soybeans). Call-manufacturer and if you ask any ingredients occur outside the United States (to avoid foods that use Chinese imports) and to obtain assurances that the quality of meat is the person class. There are many quality foods there, pet owners should look a little further, but the reward for the health of your pet much exceed the minimum effort to find them.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Cigarette packs would deter smokers
Decisions concerning the fight against smoking should be more strictly, said the Deputy Minister. In a number of them may be the increased cost of tobacco products, the expansion of smoke-free environments, and respect for age in the sale of cigarettes, as well as more rapid adoption of Standard Card packaging of tobacco products.
The new GOST as a means to combat smoking
The new GOST 3935-2000 «Cigarettes. General Conditions »Gosstandart passed and takes effect June 1st, 2010, the head of the department of food and tobacco concern« Belgospisheprom »Inessa Minova. The standard provides for changes in registration packs for cigarettes. No less than 30% of the total package will contain information about the dangers of smoking to health.
The main inscription will read: «Smoking - the reason for the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer». On the other side of the stack will be located an additional sign that will change. Among the options for the caption I. Minova called: «Smoking contributes to the development of impotence and female infertility», «Smoking - the cause of heart attacks and strokes», «Smoking - severe dependence, do not start smoking», «Smokers die young», «Restrict children from tobacco smoke »etc.
According to I. Minova, a switch to release a new pack of cigarettes takes time. She reported that the Grodno tobacco factory «Neman» has already begun preparations for the manufacture of tobacco products in accordance with the new guests.
At the same time V. Kachan with noted that the coordinating council will soon address in Gossandart a proposal to accelerate the beginning of the new Standard.
Smokers - in the zone
Belarus is not enough smoke-free environments, their number should increase, says Valentina Kachan. These zones are established in accordance with the Comprehensive tobacco control programs in the Republic of Belarus for 2008-2010.
V. Kachan stressed that the task of coordinating council is to initiate the establishment of an increasing number of such zones. Among them, according to experts, could include, for example, the area of Independence Park Cheluskintsev in Minsk. «Let the country be reserved area for smoking, and most urban places will be free of it», - considers V. Kachan.
In terms of capital, currently in Partizanski Zavodskoy, Pervomaysky Moscow and regions of the territory free from smoking, declared: the Central Children's Park to them. Gorky, Minsk city zoo, the Central Botanical Garden; factory of sparkling wines, JSC «GMZ number 1»; bakery «Automatic»; Belarusian State Pedagogical University Park area neighborhood Malinovka, printing company UE «Hodar»; park «Drimlend» and some other objects.
This rule does not smoke in areas free from smoking, not being fully respected. Referring specifically BGPU, V. Kachan noted that this institution can not be considered as a zone free from smoking. According to the Deputy Minister, she watches every day, near the entrance to smoke as students - future teachers.
Smoking is becoming less
Yet the number of smokers is decreasing in Belarus. According to the results of sociological research, in comparison with 2001 the percentage of smokers of the Belarusian population has declined from 42% to 32.3%.
Belarussians with age becoming more critical to smoking. Among the people of mature age, the percentage of smokers is lower than among the young.
Among women, fewer smokers than among men.
Social status of smokers is.
Coordinating Board on Tobacco Control will continue to further the attack on smoking. People will be informed about the real health risks and alternative forms of behavior, ways of ending their use and treatment of tobacco dependence.
As the head of the department of public health of the Republican Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health Olga Bartman, in clinics and hospital clinics for drug use and non-medical methods of treatment for tobacco dependence, providing psychological care for patients. Use the method of acupuncture treatment. In urban clinical drug dispensary introduced medication for tobacco dependence medication «Tabeks». Used psychotherapeutic technique stressoterapii method Dovzhenko.
As a result of the Comprehensive tobacco control programs by 2010 is expected to decline in the active use of tobacco products among children under age 15 to 20% of people aged 16-20 years - 10%, 21-30 years - 7%, over 30 years - 5%.
As a result, doctors hope to reduce the morbidity and mortality caused by tobacco use.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Golden Tobacco

Upon approval by the Registrar of Companies,
The shareholders had approved the company's proposal to change the name through a special resolution passed at the annual general meeting held July 14.
Then the company made an application to the central government's ministry of corporate affairs under Section 21 of the Companies Act, 1956 for change of its name, the statement said.
This application has now been approved by the registrar of companies,
The move comes in the wake of the company's shareholders approving February this year a plan to demerge the company's tobacco business from its real estate business to create two separate entities. Both entities are to be listed on the stock exchanges where the shares of the company are currently listed.
The change of name will now pave the way for the demerger.
The Rs.1.65 billion tobacco major and flagship of the Dalmia Group was earlier known as Golden Tobacco Company. It changed the name to GTC Ind after the promoter group merged some of its non-tobacco businesses with Golden Tobacco. Now, with the tobacco business slated to be demerged again, the company has gone in for another name change.